Understanding Different Types of Phone Screen Damage

Did you know that smartphone users will often experience screen damage within a year of ownership?

Our phones have become essential tools for communication, entertainment, and productivity. A malfunctioning or broken screen can cause stress and frustration.

Understanding the various types of phone screen damage can help you make informed decisions about repairs or replacements. This guide will explore common screen issues, from minor scratches to complex display malfunctions.

We’ll also provide tips on troubleshooting, repair options, and preventative measures to protect your precious pixels.

Understanding Common Screen Damage

Broken Screens

The most common type of phone screen damage is cracked or broken screens, which come in various severity levels. Hairline cracks might be a minor annoyance, while shattered screens can render the phone unusable. Drops and impacts are the usual culprits behind cracked screens.


Unlike cracks that penetrate the screen, scratches are superficial marks on the surface. They are typically caused by sharp objects or abrasive materials like keys or sand. While not as concerning as cracks, scratches can affect the phone’s aesthetics and decrease its resale value.

Less Obvious Screen Issues

While cracked screens and responsiveness issues are clear signs of trouble, several less obvious problems can affect your phone’s display. These can be just as frustrating and hinder your phone’s usability. Here’s a breakdown of two such culprits:

Dead Pixels: Tiny Black Holes on Your Display

Imagine tiny, black dots marring the otherwise vibrant image on your phone screen. These are dead pixels, permanently stuck, and unable to display any color. They can be quite noticeable, especially on high-resolution displays with deep blacks.

Causes of Dead Pixels

  • Manufacturing Defects: Sometimes, dead pixels can slip through quality control during the manufacturing process.
  • Physical Damage: Dropping your phone or applying excessive pressure to the screen can damage individual pixels, causing them to die.

LCD Bleeding: Light in the Wrong Places

LCD bleeding happens when the backlight of your phone screen, which illuminates the display, leaks from its intended area. This can manifest as:

  • Discoloration: Certain areas of the screen may appear lighter or exhibit a different color cast compared to the rest.
  • Light Patches: You might see uneven patches of light on the screen, particularly when displaying dark backgrounds.
  • Halo Effect: A faint, glowing aura around the edges of the screen can be another symptom of LCD bleeding.

Causes of LCD Bleeding

  • Physical Damage: Similar to dead pixels, physical trauma to the screen can cause the backlight to bleed.
  • Manufacturing Defects: Improper assembly or faulty materials during manufacturing can lead to LCD bleeding.
  • Pressure on the Screen: Applying constant pressure, like a tight phone case, can sometimes induce temporary LCD bleeding.

What to Do About Less Obvious Screen Issues

If you notice dead pixels or LCD bleeding on your phone, the course of action depends on the severity:

  • Minor Issues: For a small number of dead pixels or very faint LCD bleeding, you might be able to live with it. However, these can be distracting, especially on high-end phones.
  • Significant Issues: If your phone has widespread dead pixels or prominent LCD bleeding that affects daily use, consider getting it repaired or replaced, especially if it’s under warranty.

Prevention Tips

While not always avoidable, here are some things you can do to minimize the risk of these issues:

  • Handle Your Phone with Care: Avoid dropping your phone or applying excessive pressure to the screen.
  • Invest in a Quality Case: A good case can offer protection from drops and bumps.
  • Be Mindful of Temperature Extremes: Extreme heat or cold can potentially damage the screen.

By being aware of these less obvious screen issues, you can better diagnose problems with your phone’s display and take appropriate action to address them.

Touchscreen Malfunctions

The touchscreen is a fundamental part of our phone interaction. But what happens when your taps, swipes, and pinches go unrecognized? Touchscreen malfunctions can be incredibly frustrating, hindering your ability to use your phone effectively.

Here’s a deeper dive into the different ways touchscreen issues can manifest, along with potential causes and troubleshooting tips:

Symptoms of Touchscreen Malfunction

Touchscreen problems can exhibit themselves in various ways, making it difficult to pinpoint the exact cause. Here are some common symptoms:

Unresponsive AreasCertain areas of the screen become completely unresponsive to touch, creating a dead zone.
Ghost TouchesThe screen registers phantom touches, even when you haven’t physically touched it. This can lead to unintended actions or menu selections.
Erratic BehaviorTouches may register in the wrong location, require multiple taps for recognition, or respond sluggishly.
Lag or DelayA noticeable delay between your touch and the phone’s response can be a sign of underlying touchscreen issues.

Potential Causes of Touchscreen Malfunction

Several factors can contribute to touchscreen malfunctions, including:

  • Hardware Problems: Physical damage like cracks, screen scratches, or internal component failure can disrupt touchscreen functionality.
  • Software Glitches: Outdated software, app bugs, or a corrupted operating system can sometimes cause touchscreen issues.
  • Water Damage: Exposure to liquids can disrupt the electrical signals between your finger and the touchscreen, leading to erratic behavior.
  • Dirt, Dust, or Debris: Accumulation of dirt or grime on the screen can interfere with touch registration.
  • Screen Protector Issues: A poorly fitted or low-quality screen protector might hinder touchscreen sensitivity.

Troubleshooting Tips

Before resorting to professional help, there are a few things you can try to troubleshoot software-related touchscreen malfunctions:

  • Restart Your Phone: A simple reboot can often resolve temporary glitches that might be causing touchscreen issues.
  • Check for Software Updates: Outdated software or bugs can sometimes lead to touchscreen problems. Make sure your phone is running the latest software version.
  • Remove Your Screen Protector (if applicable): Try using your phone without the screen protector to see if it improves touchscreen responsiveness.
  • Clean the Screen: Using a soft, lint-free cloth, gently clean the screen to remove any dirt, dust, or debris that might be affecting touch registration.

If the touchscreen issues persist after trying these troubleshooting steps, it’s best to seek professional help from a qualified technician at California Computer to diagnose the problem and recommend the appropriate repair or replacement.

What to Do After Screen Damage

Assess the Damage

The first step is to evaluate the severity of the damage and its impact on functionality. Is it a minor scratch, or does the crack significantly impair your ability to use the phone?

Decision Tree

Here’s a simple decision tree to help you decide between DIY repairs or professional services:

  • Minor Scratch (Cosmetic only): Consider a DIY screen protector replacement (at your own risk).
  • Minor Crack or Touch Issues (Functionality not severely impacted): Explore troubleshooting options or consult a professional for repairs.
  • Major Crack, Display Issues, or Water Damage: Seek professional repair services for a higher chance of successful repair and data protection.

Backup Your Data

Before any repairs, prioritize backing up your data if possible. Cloud storage or transferring files to a computer are common backup methods.

Repair Options

DIY Repairs

For minor scratches, some DIY screen protector kits are available. However, proceed with caution, as improper installation or using low-quality materials can worsen the damage. This option is generally recommended only for expendable phones.

Professional Repair Services

For more significant damage, professional repair services are highly recommended. Benefits include:

  • Expertise: Trained technicians with the knowledge and tools to diagnose and repair complex issues.
  • Success Rates: Higher chances of successful repair compared to DIY attempts.
  • Data Security: Reputable services prioritize data security during the repair process.

Protection Options

  • Tempered Glass Screen Protectors: These provide an extra layer of protection against scratches and minor impacts.
  • Phone Cases: Invest in a good quality phone case. Consider different case types for various needs:
    • Slim cases offer scratch protection and a comfortable grip.
    • Rugged cases provide heavy-duty protection against drops and impacts.
  • Careful Handling: Develop habits that minimize the risk of damage:
    • Avoid keeping your phone in pockets with sharp objects like keys.
    • Use two hands to hold your phone, especially in crowded areas.
    • Place your phone on a flat surface instead of your lap or loose pockets on couches.

Contact California Computer to Schedule Your Repair

Understanding the different types of phone screen damage empowers you to make informed decisions. By recognizing the symptoms and taking appropriate action, you can minimize downtime and keep your phone functioning smoothly.

For expert phone screen repair services in Los Angeles, trust California Computer. Contact us today to schedule your repair and keep your phone functioning smoothly!


How much does a typical phone screen repair cost?

The cost varies depending on the phone model, screen type (LCD vs. OLED), and the severity of the damage. Minor cracks might cost around less, while shattered screens or complex repairs can reach higher costs due to the significance of the repairs.

Can water damage be repaired?

In some cases, water damage can be repaired, especially if the phone is promptly powered off and brought to a professional for immediate attention. However, success rates depend on the extent of water exposure and internal corrosion.

What warranty coverage does my phone have for screen damage?

Standard manufacturer warranties typically exclude accidental damage like cracked screens. However, some extended warranty plans or phone insurance options might cover screen repairs. Check your specific warranty details for confirmation.

How can I tell if my phone screen is water-damaged?

Signs of water damage include:

  • Visible water stains or moisture inside the phone.
  • Touchscreen malfunctioning or becoming unresponsive.
  • Display issues like flickering, distorted colors, or lines.
  • The phone is overheating or not charging properly.

If you suspect water damage, power off your phone immediately and consult a professional repair service. Do not attempt to charge the phone or turn it back on.

Hand holding mobile phone with broken screen on white background